Who Should Take Qiara Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Probiotics?

  • Any woman who is pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  • Any woman wanting to support general good health during the entire pregnancy or at least in the last trimester
  • Any woman who is breastfeeding. Qiara is a probiotic strain that was originally derived from healthy breastmilk flora (not from bowel flora). 
  • Both mum and baby benefit from Qiara Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - there is no need to give a separate probiotic to the baby if mum is taking Qiara and exclusively breastfeeding.
  • Any woman experiencing breast pain or symptoms of mild mastitis, Qiara may assist in reducing the symptoms and occurrence of mild mastitis

Seek medical advice if mastitis symptoms persist longer than 12 hours, or if your symptoms worsen.

Shop Qiara Pregnancy & Breastfeeding


Establishing good gut health and a strong and robust microbiome is important from pre-conception. Recent research suggests a healthy gut and reproductive microbiome may be beneficial for fertility outcomes.

Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, taking one sachet of Qiara Pregnancy and Breastfeeding sachet daily during preconception may increase beneficial gut flora levels contributing to a healthy robust microbiome.

Read more on the role of breastmilk probiotics when planning a baby at our Learning Center: Fertility and Pregnancy


Research suggests a mother’s microbiome is extremely important during pregnancy and can influence many health factors during pregnancy.

Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, taking one sachet of Qiara Pregnancy and Breastfeeding sachet daily while pregnant may increase beneficial flora levels contributing to a healthy and robust microbiome.


Breastfeeding continues the important transfer of beneficial bacteria that begins during labour and birth. A mother’s gut and breastmilk microbiome significantly contribute to the overall health of both mother and baby, therefore it is essential to optimise microbiome health.

Clinical Research conducted using the single probiotic strain in Qiara,Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716, shows that it may reduce symptoms associated with breast pain and mild mastitis and the recurrence of mild mastitis.

Qiara helps to restore and maintain a healthy balance of protective flora in the breastmilk microbiome to help prevent recurrence.

Taking one sachet of Qiara daily while breastfeeding may assist in increasing beneficial gut and breastmilk flora levels.

Seek medical advice if symptoms persist longer for longer 12 hours, or if your symptoms worsen.


Birth by C-section?

A study of 627,600 Australian births between 2000-2008, reported that women who gave birth by C-section were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with a complication affecting breastfeeding and their babies are at higher risk of infection.

C-section mums are routinely administered antibiotics to prevent infection. While necessary, antibiotics are not selective and can also reduce the levels of beneficial and protective flora in the gut and breastmilk. This may lead to an imbalance between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria and a condition called Dysbiosis. Breastmilk dysbiosis can lead to an increased risk of infections such as mastitis and can also impact the colonisation of the infant’s microbiome and consequent development of their immune system.

Taking Qiara daily before and after your C-section. It may assist in maintaining the balance of good bacteria in the gut and breastmilk, support gastrointestinal system health and reduce the occurrence of mild mastitis.

GBS Positive?

GBS (Group B Strep) positive mums are routinely administered antibiotics to prevent infection and translocation of the bacteria to baby. While necessary, antibiotics are not selective and can also reduce the levels of beneficial and protective flora in mums gut and breastmilk. This can lead to an imbalance between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria and a condition called ‘dysbiosis’. Dysbiosis can lead to an increased risk of infections and can also impact the colonisation of the infant’s microbiome and consequent development of their immune system.

Taking Qiara daily before and after antibiotics for GBS may assist in maintaining the balance of good bacteria in the gut and breastmilk, support gastrointestinal system health and reduce the occurrence of mild mastitis.

From: Qiara