
With over 40,000 Australian mums and their families benefiting from Qiara probiotics each and every year, it’s no wonder we receive so much feedback.

So, naturally, we (and lots of other mums and families) would be grateful if you could also share your story of how Qiara probiotics helped you and your family. After all, your experience could even help someone just like you!

If you’d like to share your story, feedback and even photo, simply email us at

"Isabella at 15 months old, had a middle ear ruptured, perforated her ear drum... a further 4 times over the next 6 weeks.. as soon as we finish antibiotics, the next day it happens again. So she was on antibiotics for 7 weeks. She's been on qiara almost the entire time, however I did run out and she didn't have it for 3 days - and straight away she developed an upset tummy, wouldn't eat, and h ...

“I’m continuing to take Qiara - I wasn’t completely sure my newborn is draining my supply completely and was concerned I may get mastitis, so I’m continuing to take Qiara to hopefully prevent any mastitis or blocked ducts. I can remember how painful it was with my daughter and I will do anything to never experience that again!” Leah @mumsgrapevine ...

“After have my son I got mastitis and had to go on strong antibiotics. I was recommended this probiotic and told it may help stop me from getting mastitis again. I started on it straight away and have stayed on it ever since. I have noticed a huge improvement I also noticed a improvement in my general wellbeing and this also benefits my son as I continue to breastfeed him. I have noticed my son ha ...

“Mastitis is painful, and usually comes when you are at your most vulnerable — breastfeeding a little one. Right now there are only a couple of probiotic strains tested for effective use against mastitis, and the one probiotic product that contains it is only available in Australia. Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 can be found in Qiara.” Sarah Pope - The Healthy Home Economist ...

“I have had 3 children with repetitive mastitis. It wasn’t until I found Qiara that I had a solution that actually WORKED for moving through mastitis quickly and easily. Thank you.” Anne K @nursingangel ...

@babycenter mums share their stories .. “Were both taking Qiara ... I’m breastfeeding as well but giving the odd bottle now and then. I've noticed a big difference in her, she's no longer struggling with wind”. Bowie25 - Pic : babycenter ...

"After seeing them on another Mum’s instagram page about helping with mastitis and vasospasms I thought I’d buy a box to try. I started on Qiara, things all started to change. No more pain when feeding and whenever I started to get blocked ducts, I’d take a double dose of Qiara and can honestly say by morning they had disappeared. I tried quite a number of brands of probiotic before purchasing Qia ...

"While breastfeeding my first born I got mastitis about 8 times. I started taking Qiara when my second child was born and haven’t had it since. I’m so thankful for this probiotic.” Emily K @naturalchemist ...

"I’ve used (Qiara) since I was 38 weeks pregnant as I have a history of mastitis and colicky babies! My third child has been a dream!” @luv_thebod ...

"My third boy was my first experience breastfeeding and I was really lucky to have such a wonderful smooth transition ... until after 12 months I started getting mastitis quite frequently due to the constant changes and pattern my little Goori would feed. A beautiful friend of mine recommended Qiara probiotics and it honestly changed our world. We continued breastfeeding for two years thanks ...